Substrates may accumulate intracellularly against a concentration gradient. 底物可以逆浓度梯度而积聚于细胞内。
The reaction rate is limited by the concentration gradient of oxygen in the sample. 反应速率受试样中氧浓度梯度的限制。
We may assume that there is no correlation between the local velocity of a liquid particle at a mathematical point inside the void space and the concentration gradient. 我们可以假定,在空隙空间的一个数学点上液体质点的局部速度和浓度梯度之间无相关性。
Aerotaxis ( aerotactic movement) A TAXIS in response to an oxygen concentration gradient. 趋氧性:一种对氧浓度梯度产生回应的排序。
Study on the Influence of Different Concentration Gradient Neuromedin B Receptor Antagonist to Mice's Age and Delivery Interval and Its Mechanism 不同浓度梯度的NMBR拮抗剂对孕鼠孕龄及分娩间隔的影响及其机制探讨
Study on the Influence of Different Concentration Gradient Neuromedin B Receptor Agonist to Mice s Gestational Age and Its Mechanism; Prenatal Screening and Diagnosis Result Analysis of 779 Pregnant Women with Advanced Maternal Age 不同浓度梯度的NMBR激动剂对孕鼠孕龄的影响及其机制探讨779例高龄孕妇的产前筛查与诊断结果分析
Decreased blood flow ( eg, in shock) may lower the concentration gradient across the intestinal mucosa and decrease absorption by passive diffusion. 血流量的减少(休克病人)以降低跨肠粘膜的浓度梯度,从而减少被动扩散吸收。
Only diffusion under a concentration gradient is considered in this chapter. 本章仅讨论由浓度梯度引起的质量扩散。
Passive diffusion: In this process, transport across a cell membrane depends on the concentration gradient of the solute. 被动扩散在被动扩散过程中,跨细胞转运依赖于溶质浓度梯度。
Transport of a substance ( as a protein or drug) across a cell membrane against the concentration gradient; requires an expenditure of energy. 由于浓度差异,蛋白质或药物等物质透过细胞膜在不同细胞之间传送的过程;需要消耗能量。
Direction in which sth moves or changes; trend Chemotaxis ( chemotactic movement) A TXIS in response to a chemical concentration gradient. (事物运动或变化的)趋向,倾向,趋势趋化现象:一种对化学浓度梯度的趋化反应。
This sets up a chemical concentration gradient that tells stem cells how and where to develop. 形成化学浓度梯度,告诉干细胞如何以及向哪儿发育。
All the calculated intraparticle concentration gradient, Thiele modulus and the non-isothermal effectiveness factor appeared with good regularities. 由计算所得的粒内浓度梯度,Thiele模数与非等温效率因子呈现出良好的规律性。
Mullite coating was more effective than zircon coating. The isotropic high density graphite block with SiC concentration gradient and mullite coating had enough resistance to oxidation at 1400 ℃ in air and to quenching from 1400 ℃ to liquid nitrogen temperature. 具有SiC浓度梯度和莫来石涂层的各向同性高密度石墨块足以在空气中1400℃下抗氧化和1400℃到液氮温度下抗淬火。莫来石涂层比锆石涂层更有效。
The second, vaporization due to concentration gradient; 焊接熔池表面由于浓度梯度引起的蒸发量;
P concentration for seedling screening and related indicators were proposed by multi P concentration gradient tests. 首次通过多个磷浓度梯度试验,提出玉米耐低磷苗期筛选的合适的P处理浓度和行之有效的筛选指标。
Effect of Concentration Gradient of Vacancies on Diffusion in Double Glow Plasma Surface Alloying 在双层辉光离子渗金属中空位浓度梯度对扩散的影响
Extraction velocity had a relation with interface areas, concentration gradient of solute and the status of fluid kinetics in the globelet. 萃取速率与相界面积、两相中的溶质浓度差和滴内流体力学状态有关。
The coupling of temperature gradient and concentration gradient in a porous medium 多孔介质自然对流中温度梯度与浓度梯度的相互耦合
Carbon concentration gradient is the main factor influencing PHB formation under batch experiment. 本研究所驯化得到的活性污泥在批式条件下积累PHB主要受到碳源基质浓度梯度的影响。
Liquid membranes containing 2,3-benzo-ll-methyl-18-crown-6 ( BCl-18C6) is able to transport metal ions against their concentration gradient. 以2,3-苯并-11-甲基-18-冠-6(BCl-18C6)为液膜载体研究其对钾离子的传输,金属离子可以逆其浓度梯度进行跨膜传输。
The carbon diffusion layer is affected by concentration gradient of alloy elements and carbon, atom diffusion, the heat treatment and surfacing processes. 碳扩散层的形成受合金元素与碳的浓度梯度、原子扩散、热处理工艺和堆焊工艺等因素的影响;
Expressions for interdiffusion coefficients were derived in the literature, but they are all based on the concentration gradient. 关于二元合金互扩散系数的表达式,虽然有过推导,但是在推导过程中都是以扩散组元的浓度梯度为出发点。
The dependence of breakdown voltages of the thin film SOI devices on the concentration gradient in the linearly doped drift region is experimentally investigated for the first time. 首次对薄膜SOI功率器件的击穿电压与线性掺杂漂移区的杂质浓度梯度的关系进行了实验研究。
The change of the mass concentration gradient of uranium metal is obviously regular. 铀金属质量浓度梯度变化规律明显;
The purified inclusion bodies was dialyzed in the concentration gradient of urea to renature. 再将纯化后的包涵体置于透析袋中,在梯度浓度的尿素复性液中缓慢复性。
The results showed that sulfated polysaccharide has significant activity which also show concentration gradient dependent pattern. 结果发现,海带硫酸多糖具有显著的抗氧化损伤活性,并且这种活性具有浓度梯度依赖性。
Nitric acid was used to improve concentration gradient of reactants, intensifying leaching phosphorus process. 该工艺使用浓硝酸,提高反应物浓度梯度,加强了磷元素的浸出过程。
Sucrose in the stalk of the vascular bundles forms a certain concentration gradient from vein to carpopodium, which ensure that the sugar transport from the source to sink. 蔗糖在叶脉到果柄的维管束中形成了一定的浓度梯度,保证了蔗糖从源到库的顺向运输。